Wednesday 19 February 2014

Social Contact Helps to Live Longer

Good news for the people using social networking site daily to update their status and check others. We all know various things which when applied may become the key factors to live longer life. All of you must add one more factor of social networking in the list of factors used for healthy and long living. This report is based on the newly presented research in Chicago.

According to John Cacioppo, psychology professor at the University of Chicago, feeling of depression and extremely lonely can may lead an older person to premature death by 14 per cent, an impact nearly as strong as that of a disadvantaged socioeconomic status. He also noted that social isolation had twice the impact on the risk of death as obesity.

Professor presented the reports of a research on Sunday at annual conference of American Association for the advancement of science in Chicago. A group of 20,000 people were involved in the research, which revealed adverse health effects of feeling alone, high blood pressure, sleep problems and depression.

Social contact Helps to Live Longer

Cacioppo said, “Retiring to Florida to live in a warmer climate among strangers is not necessarily a good thing if it means you are disconnected from people who mean the most for you”. Sedentary lifestyle occupies loneliness which may become the factor to weaken one’s health. Simple exercises such as walking or jogging regularly is not fully solve the risk factors.

Physical activity of a person helps to improve overall functioning of the person’s health and fitness. This physical activity increases the volume of the hippocampus by two per cent, which reverses cerebral aging by one to two years and boosts mental capacities.

Many of the people who feel himself/herself alone or getting depressed with something which he / she didn’t like, are turning towards their social networks to update their status or checking the updates from their friends and others. Nowadays, the social marketing websites are best sources for updated news and also for getting entertained.

By logging into their mind towards the social contacts people can divert their mental and physical condition. Through these networks people are engaging to present situation than thinking to the past. These activities such as Hang Outs in Google+, will help keeping people busy which proportionally helping a key factor for their health.


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